About Taci and PPSG

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Lover of vintage, I heart florals, fancy, industrial, reused, upcycled HANDMADE, colorful and lovely things. All lovely things. I believe Glitter makes everything just a little better. Librarian Chic and classics are what tend to fit my own personal style.

Me?  I play dress up for a living! I offer custom photography styling, find stylish pieces and share them with Y O U, frantically pin great stuff on Pinterest and {l.o.v.e} creating inspiration boards on Polyvore..
Generally, photographers contact me to create an atmosphere or style for their clients before the day of their session.cc studio fresh jan15
Photographer provides me (Taci)  client information and I contact them and then the magic begins as we scour the net to find all kinds of clothing, prop, location, posing, makeup/hair options.
cc fresh factor jan 15

I style our clients based on THEIR own looks and their unique personality. I assist them in finding the story in their NOW.

This results in photographs that capture a persons N a t u r a l Essence in real time. Ill-fitting clothing, colors that clash, etc are distracting and take so much away from the people in the portrait… I can help them round that out insecurities and capture their personality for an easy, successful photo session (= less editing, Photographers!) And let’s face it, it can be a little strange being photographed at first. Helping people dress up into their best selves will set the scene and produce beautiful, memorable and
I R R E S I S T A B L E images!
How does it work? Life moves fast and people planning weddings and having babies generally don’t have much time to plan how to dress for their shoot. My process can be done via email (but will meet for in-person styling depending on availability) After working with them to understand their vision, I will create a style board.


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